The Business Doctor

'eradicating the Mad Management Virus'

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Okay - The simple version

Dear Public Sector Leaders, 

I am writing confidentially again to express an interest to help save the Public Service (any public services, Police, Fire, Health at any level…just need to prove a point...). 

As you may already know, I have recently completed two major in-'company' research and change projects in Public Services. We helped save large amounts of money, without a single job loss or move to Social Enterprise, Co-operative, CIC, Charity or any other ‘new’ form of organization.  

·      The process is not radical, or controversial but stops, simplistic reduction in staff numbers simply on financial principles.
·      It does not make managers (people) redundant or anyone else for that matter. It simply stops them doing this thing call management and starts ‘Democratic Leadership’.
·      Its an alternative to top-down change, with a little bottom-up mixed in, it becomes everyone's change.
·      It does not encourage a ‘one-way’ of thinking, but a mix of theory/tools to suit your organization.
·      Yes, it removes management power and control, but replaces it with much greater powers of influence, trust and respect through leadership from within
·      There are no tricks, hidden fees, cons, or anything other than open, honest, transparent and democratic processes. Yep anyone can stop the process at any stage….its the organization that drives the process
·      Its not chaos….. there are clear boundaries, movable to improve but never reducible, but it still deconstructs the service from the frontline up (or in my world down ;-).
·      The new way of ‘doing’ is completely customer focused and built
·      The change has no resistance. Its led by the people themselves, at their pace, with their way of thinking.
·      Its sustainable. Why because the frontline providers drive the ‘new thinking’ and therefore once started, they continue to adapt, evolve and create new (always within boundaries) as the customer demands/constraints change

You would like to hear more, or require external references to check out this change initiative, please do not hesitate to contact me, IT WORKS! 

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