The Business Doctor

'eradicating the Mad Management Virus'

Friday, 9 July 2010

Lets Rid the World of Managers

I’ve had a great week this week, with some wonderful outcomes and I sometimes delight at being me. With a role that helps people achieve their potential, without any pre-conceptions or worries I am truly privileged . Indeed one definition read recently about leadership, stated that the good leader creates other leaders around them.

However, it’s Friday and feeling a little despair I worry over the future. I seem to deal with and experience some truly awful managers, management and actions in my day job, company visits and change programmes. Not all of course, and one exception this week one lovely Scots lady said that I had made a huge difference to a factory and more importantly to her in the work place. No more a greater compliment can a person like me receive. Indeed, comments like that are what energise my whole drive to change the world…. Well okay Managers, but the world is next.

However we must not forget there are more awful managers than good leaders.

A bad manager can take a good staff and destroy them. Causing the best employees to run and jump ship, and the remainder to lose all motivation and decay from the inside. We see this at Glamorgan Business School at the moment.

Just the notion that someone has been promoted to the position of Manager or Dean does NOT; mean that they are particularly intelligent, hard working, capable, thoughtful, astute, considerate, talented, open-minded, or worthy.

The problem I see in most organisations is that the person who is the most aggressive, socially inept, devious, expert manipulators and lacking morals gain promotion! …..and the very notion they have authority over you because they are expert in your field or well connected is again misguided. Look of course, you may be the exception from the rule if you are a leader reading this, but most are not! The bigger the organisation the more you will in one sense get-away with it and rise to the lofty heights of power. More so if it seems its an organisation in a “Public Sector” institution like, say a University. I think this is so, as a result of the confusion of roles and responsibilities. ‘Its not my job…its HR responsibility’ to sort out the problem managers, is something I hear quite often….

The sad truth is, that whilst most managers conform to the well-known living embodiment of the "Peter Principle" ... that is, they have been promoted to their level of incompetence. Most rise above this level and continue to do untold damage, simply those above are even worse than the one below. What’s worse is they may actually believe they are the manager because they are somehow superior, when in simple terms they are by any definition completely dysfunctional and suffer from some kind of learning disorder!
I suppose the lack of respect for some managers receive is a very serious problem that can make the life of the employees quite miserable. Indeed, research from various bodies tells us the damage these men and women deal out on a daily basis. We spend out a fortune on Counselling for employees, support for those victimised by these idiot managers and yet fail to do anything regarding the cause itself!! Do you think we have got it wrong? Or is it just me?
One thing I always bleat on about is democracy in the workplace. It has to be better than management…..well, it cannot be any worse surely! 
Have a great weekend all you leaders....


  1. A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing! Is there anything worse? Good work Dr Thomas pse keep exposing these people with simple truths.
    Direct Quote from the Popular Media Genre, the BBC Soap Opera, Eastenders (Watched by Millions) made by the Character, Patrick directly to the Character Phil Mitchell, inside the very Heart of the Programme, The Queen Victoria Public House; "A COWARD is another name for a BULLY!" Episode Broadcast "To The Nation" at 7.30pm Last Night, Thursday 8th July 2010! Info & knowledge can be gleaned from many sources if open to learning. Funny That!
    A Special Thank You to ALL the Worlds Bullies/Cowards for some of the devastation you have caused. Your successes/reign & power although well lived, now seem very short-term & pointless. Still, you had it your way & thats All That Mattered to You!
    I'd never heard the saying, What Goes Around Comes Around until so many of you burdened me with it more than 15 years ago! Thank You! I now have insight & understanding to its meaning.
    I hope some of you do! Good Bye!
    Thanks Paul, Phil x.

  2. Hello Phil,

    Well I'm certainly not an Eastenders man, but good quote. I did a paper at a Bullying Conference some years ago, were I simply stated that its 'Management' not the people themselves that create this thing called 'Bullying'. It was also a focus of my MMV lecturers last year (MMV - Mad, Management Virus).

    The only thing I can suggest to people, is that if you are experiencing such difficult situations is to seek advice immediately, don't suffer in silence and if you do move on draw a line in the sand and forget the 'pain'. There are loads of advisory bodies, and help out there and indeed Glamorgan Business School (the new Dean has just closed) had a centre of Workplace bullying under Duncan Lewis. There are some great articles there if people need this direction.

    However, my blog was more generic, looking at the lack of human skills, empathy, understanding, transparency, democracy and just well understand that leading is about people. Simple.

    People, people, people, people, people and then people.... we have to understand that, then we will realise that all the theories, frameworks, tools have to have 'people' at the core, or they simply don't work...

